About NO!

Growing up I was highly influenced by watching movies and reading comic books. Really not much else has changed. There was a solid chunk of time where life got in the way and I never had time to pick up a pen unless it was to sign a check. It wasn't until I moved to Spokane, WA in 2007 and got to know some other talented local artists in the area who inspired me to make some new art. I've been going strong ever since making art that I want to make and don't care what others think. 

In 2010 I worked up the courage to talk with professional artists Dustin Nguyen and Francis Manapul at different comic con's about what they do because I wanted to learn how to paint too. It was from there on out about 99% off all the work I do is hand painted with watercolor or sumi ink.  
Check out the "Gallery" box to see my most current work or "Portfolio" box to see the best NO! Thanks for your support.